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March 04, 2014



about 10 years ago i dropped in with my wife and we had some snacks with the elderly congregation. it was great. so welcoming.

i understood that the congregation all got a nice reward from the sale of the land.
i use to see it, the mosque and church from my kitchen window.


I was a member of Clapton Synagogue for years as were other members of my family.
I would like to know what reward the congregation is supposed to have recieved on the sale of the land because this information is all new to me.

Martin Salter

Looking for any photos, drawings or plans of the interior and exterior of the old Lea Bridge Road synagogue (in addition to the one of the facade)
Martin Salter

Stuart C. Cohen

My wife and I were married there on July 3, 1966, just over 50 years ago and it saddens me to see what is left of it. A few of our wedding photos were taken inside the synagogue but they only show small glimpses of what it looked like.
Stuart Cohen

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