There's been a bit of street corner hanging out by groups of lads around the Pond of late, some of it at lunchtimes, some of it in the early evenings after school. A few engage in flicking coins against a wall and seeing how they fall. Others exhale a sweet, intoxicating smell that isn't hard to identify.
Mostly, they're doing nothing of concern. But once or twice there has been more than one group hanging out, a few knots of younger bystanders and an atmosphere of expectation, of stand off, of something brewing that might equal parts stupid and sinister.
Then, the other evening, police cars arrived on the scene. That's one of them in my picture, taking the corner by the dry cleaner at a fair lick. One shot down Newick Road, others went elsewhere. Either there had or there had not been an incident. There had obviously been a 999 call. That's all I know. That's all I saw. Neighbours offer various theories to explain these gatherings. I've no idea if they are true. I would quite like to know more.