Cllr Vernon, who represents Queensbridge ward for Labour, has alerted me to an article he's written for Chartist Magazine about the legacy of slavery and the need for Britain to apologise for its role in the trade:
"Growing up in multicultural Wolverhampton and attending a primary school which was officially opened by the late Enoch Powell, the slave trade was only discussed fleetingly in school for my O level and as part of my A level economic history at the local FE college. I remember this made me feel embarrassed and ashamed as a young person. It was left to supplementary and Saturday schools up and down the country to teach black history and the achievements of Africans and the diaspora community."
Further on, he adds:
"The only European country to apologise for the transatlantic slave trade has been France. An apology is still worth making if this country is prepared to come to terms with its past and be honest enough to recognise that a mutual healing process is needed. Resources and support need to be available to help the descendants of enslaved Africans and European slave owning families to rediscover their family history and regain their humanity...It is a great pity that this nation cannot recognise and show some respect, recognition and humility to black people in the past and today and be honest about its involvement."
The whole of Patrick's article is here. Let me - and him - know what you think of it. Patrick has expressed an interest in writing something specifically for this blog, which would be great. What, though, should he write about? He and I are in communication about that. But do readers have any suggestions?
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