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July 28, 2008


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You couldn't add a few reasons WHY it's such a pile of self-serving poo, could you ? Or is it a question of 'if you have to ask, you'll never understand ?'.

Dave  Hill

Don't worry, Laban, I'm getting round to that.


Could you help the slower of us out by pointing more precisely to the strawman and the dishonesty in those remarks?

Dave  Hill

Hi cjcjc. Sorry, but if you're that slow you're probably beyond help!


I think it's because anyone with half a brain knows that people make their own decisions in the context of the society and environment and economy in which they live. For instance, crime reduces as the economy rises and vice versa - this is indisputable.

The strawman comes in pretending that the 'Left' (itself an imaginary construct in this context) deny that people take their own decisions. The dishonesty comes in denying indisputable facts such as the one quoted above.

Is this at a suitable level, or have I pitched it a bit high?


"For instance, crime reduces as the economy rises and vice versa - this is indisputable."

"The dishonesty comes in denying indisputable facts such as the one quoted above"

Hence the steadily falling crime rates during the economic boom of the Fifties and Sixties ?


"Hence the steadily falling crime rates during the economic boom of the Fifties and Sixties ?"

What boom? More pertinently, why are the 1950s/60s more relevant than the 1980s/90s/2000s, when the current structures of society and economy were established? It's a very different world out there now.

What I'm talking about is the 80% of the reduction in crime the Home Office privately (via a leaked PDF a couple of years ago I've got a copy of) ascribed to economic factors, along with a prediction that a future recession would see a rise in crime. Hence the balloon in crime coinciding with the economic downturn in the early 90s, hence the reducing crime rates since 1994. It's not the *only* factor, of course (the population is a lot more docile than in the 1980s and there are more policemen), and it doesn't affect all crimes equally, but it's definitely there.

Another thing - if his policy director claims it's only people's personal decisions that matter, what does this mean for Boris' otherwise quite sensible plans to 'design out' crime and anti-social behaviour when designing public spaces? Surely it would make no difference?


"Don't worry, Laban, I'm getting round to that."

Are you?!

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