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July 05, 2007


Chip Dale

I've never liked Jazz but I always liked George. He was a patch of ever-present colour in my life.

Reading the signs

I used to live across the road from him. There was a garden party down the road once, a Labour party do I think, where he sat in a teepee dressed as a gypsy and told fortunes. My sister wasn't pleased because he told her she would spend her life looking after an aged parent. It didn't come true, though, nor his prediction that I would be a famous actress.

He had an adopted son called Patrick who died when he was still in his teens. He had the main part in a production of Lakota put on by his school at the Jeanetta Cochrane theatre. He was very good. GM was in the audience.

Dave Hill

Hello Chip - you're a bit colourful yourself. Great anecdote Reading.

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