Pig in shit situation, or what? This morning the talk was still of the chemistry with Dubya and whether or not tiny divisions had appeared: our troops' "overwatch" in Basra compared with the Baghdad "surge"; the PM calling the less politically-damaging Afghanistan the terror "frontline" when the Holy Potus was saying it's Iraq; Gord talking of terrorism as "crime" whereas for Bush-boy it's still all about "ideology." How can this not play well back home? He's edging away from a lame duck liability without rubbishing the nation the duck leads (I wonder if he thought George was a pushover? Whose idea were the suits and ties, by the way?). Same goes for his speech to the UN, where the Beeb says he looked much, much happier.
Meanwhile, Young Dave is in shit too. But he's no happy hog. Just when he's finally wheeling out some weighty policies - pretty right-wing ones, too - the suicide sleeper cells in his own ranks are exploding everywhere. And he's not putting the fires out all that well. Claiming on Today that egomaniac Ali Miraj had only slagged him after being refused a peerage sounded like telling tales to teacher. It wasn't dignified. Far better to have dodged the issue before dumping the trouble-maker as he's done this evening and leaking the peerage story afterwards. Nick Assinder thinks the attacks show "signs of a coordinated campaign." Still, Political Betting is asking if the Brown bounce might be ending. Clutch that straw, Bullingdon boy. Clutch that straw.